The Multiplier event of Start Up Project started with the keynote speech by Ramazan Kocatürk from Kocaturk Consulting Company. This speech, which underlined the importance of digitalisation of the public services and the importance of being “smart”, was appreciated by the audience. The event continued with the presentation of the Start Up Project. The intellectual outputs completed within the scope of the project were introduced and the project results were conveyed by Tubanur BÜYÜKÇOLPAN. After that, the learning apps produced within the scope of the modules were introduced to the participants. After the lunch break, a question-answer session was started. Participants showed great interest in the Start Up Project. There were many questions about taking part in Erasmus+ projects. In the case of the Start Up Project, the participants wondered over how much time these outputs took place. Questions such as whether a specific expertise is required in the preparation of modules and topics, and the processes of digitization of outputs were also raised. Some participants asked where they can learn smart applications of their local municipalities and if there are some applications in their cities.