The sixth transnational project meeting of the Start up for Development project was held on the 8th and 9th of December 2022. Partners from Bulgaria, Turkey, Poland, Spain, and Greece attended the meeting face-to-face in Kocaeli, Turkey. Greek partner organisation also supported the meeting online.
The START-UP project consortium focused on the final stages of the project, which will end in December. The project consortium checked the completed and incomplete tasks. The coordinator explained the next task which all partners will complete the final report of the project related to their organisation.
Presentations of the final activities of the Module 6 have been completed. Each partner has taken responsibility to complete the Module 6.
All partners asked to register to the platform and comment the debate section as well as that improving the registered people in the platform. It was discussed that the partners will put a paragraph in IO3 to introduce that the materials are in the platform and link to register in the website.
The Multiplier Events of the project were also discussed. Each partner presented multiplier event held in their countries. Project partners discussed the impact of the multiplier events