On 19th of November 2022, took place the Multiplier Event, by Alternative Innovative Development on the 2nd High School of Tyrnavos, Greece. In the event, participated 59 people from the local community.
Dimitrios Ladopoulos from AID, presented the project’s theme, structure and development. as well as the curriculum, which was created by partners from Spain, Bulgaria, Turkey, Poland and Greece, and the platform of the project!
Moreover, it was presented the Intellectual Outputs of the project. Dimitrios presented the concept of Smart Cities, which includes the Smart Governance, Smart Life, Smart Economy, Smart Transport and Smart Environment.
As a feedback, the people who were present, ask a lot of questions about the concept of Smart Cities because it was something that they were unfamiliar with! In generall, they seemed enthousiast about it, wondering and asking questions about how they or the municipality of Tyrnavos can transform the city into a smart one.